OPPORTUNITY: All of us tend to be waiting for the right moment. The time when God will give us a chance to do something. Sankalp has given me the thing which people spend their lives searching uselessly. May be I am not someone big. I may be the flimsiest mole on the planet . The worst of His creation. But what I still have is an opportunity to do something really big: TO SAVE A HUMAN LIFE. How many people will want to do this but wont have the resources to do anything like this ever in their life. My life has a meaning and I am Proud to say this.
HONOUR: To be a part of Sankalp. No its not the same as being a part of any other thing. Here I am a part of an organization that works for people. Here I am a part of the vision 2020. The Ultimate dream. Here I work with the most beautiful Souls he has made. Here I see selfless work. Here I see true devotion. Here is my second family. A family that befriends the helpless and the needy. A family which has a reward no more than self satisfaction. I am Proud of the fact that I wear the Sankalp T Shirt and also have a Sankalp Badge. IT'S AN HONOUR TO BE A PART OF SANKALP.
DUTY: I was born to this land. This mother bought me up. It gave me food and water,air to breath. It gave me what it takes to be a man like me. It gave me all. It gave me all this when she has so many sons who dont have what I have. I owe everything I have to her. Somewhere its my duty to see to her other children's welfare, my siblings welfare. Sankalp gives me this platform . Its my duty to make use of what I have got to make life better for other children of my Mother - My Bharat Mata