Why do teachers teach the same thing that’s there in text books? A student can anyways study it in a more silent and cozy place than sitting inside a classroom filled with screaming classmates. Knowledge is not the reason students come to class, unfortunately! Alas! Students don’t wake up in the morning and say- “Today I’ll learn Data Structures- I better hurry up for college!” instead they say in worry- “I’ll miss my attendance”. Is attendance the only thing that binds a student to his class? Sadly- Yes!
Now imagine- Crores of students bound to classes for 8 hours everyday, for no reason but attendance; aren’t we hindering their progress? Aren’t we breeding them like cattle tied to one place? What about free thought? Free spirit to grow- to flourish their own special way! Teachers must take it as a challenge to make the classes interesting- and students will pour in- not for the sake of attendance- for knowledge!
Compulsory attendance is the downfall of Indian education system. I faced so much resistance while doing a project and paying lesser concentration on academics- which can be managed by just reading the textbook in a day- why waste a whole semester for it? So here I am- ready to take more- to claim in my own free spirit, shout out loud, when nobody hears- I love this subject!
Students can be a part of the solution if not the problem.
I do not agree...
Ur thinking is very Narrow
If u think all Students only attend to finally get a job, then i am sorry sir, u are very wrong.
And also Who will offer Studnts job if they dont have an knowledge.
If u own a company and u get 2 application:
1>Full attendance,60 % aggregate and no extra curricular
2>no attendance ,70% , active in sports,co-curricular etc
who will u chose