What is it that people will like to know about?

Submitted by rajat on

What is it about blood donation that should be told to satisfy people's queries?
Please feel free to express yourself

Submitted by ankita on Thu, 30-Mar-2006 - 12:54


- its safe to donate blood. - it doesnt take much time. - its doesnt have any bad effect to health - blood can be donated 4 times a year - one can donate it in any standard blood bank(a list of std blood bank should be given) - also one can donate in camps organised by know prganisation - how it can save more that one live? - different components of blood. - precautions to be taken before and after donation.

Submitted by sarica on Wed, 26-Apr-2006 - 13:38


Before giving any information, the person should be told that he has an opportunity to save a life,and then the information as given by ankita should be told.