She's been there with me when I have been lonely. On the long dark nights when I could not sleep. She was there when I felt bent and broken. She was there to sooth me, comfort me, caress me and give me peace. She has been there when I face challanges. She shows me the way. she gives me the strength to walk the right road, to take the challange, head on.. She's been there to tell me tales - of the beauty of my nation and it's people.
She's been there for me when I was happy and I wanted to share. She was there when I did something good. She heard me and spread the news far and wide. She's been there for me to make confessions. She let me lament on my defeats and my losses. she heard me all the time, patiently. I could always go back to her and find my peace.
There were times in life when I left her behind and walked my own way. But sooner or later, things in life happened which strenthened the realisation that she was an integral part of my life. I came back to her bent and broken and she was right there with an ever fresh comforting look - ready to embrace me.
She's given me the stage to dance to the tune of life. Express myself without the desire of acceptance. Just be myself - the crazy self.
She connected me to people - people who touched my life. She brought the purest of them all to me and me to them. She was almost the teerth - the temple - the mosque - the church and the gurugwara - for the thirsty young hearts. She quenced their thirst with brimming rivers of patriotism, hope, faith and love. She brought the flashes together to make the grant fire.
Tireless she has been around with us all this while. This day, I want to thank her for touching my life. I want to be with her to tell how much she means to me. I want to feel the spirit that lies within her - the spirit of life.
Sometimes like a mother - sometimes sister - sometimes lover and sometimes by friend - SankalpIndia.Net I love you.
P.S. It's her 5th Birthday today
Me too gradually falling in love with her !!