Blessed are those who get teachers like the ones I have got. In today's real world there are very few teachers who Command Respect. The most essential reason I believe is that education has taken a very different shape. Its no longer dedication and hard work on the part of the teacher. Neither is there any quest in the students to learn. At least this scenario is true in B Grade college like mine.
But at the same time, there is one special feature about my teachers which make me think about them in very high terms. A teacher is supposed to educate a student for life, is it not? My teachers do. They give me all the opportunity to live life the right kind of way.
Since the second semester in the college I have been constantly working for Sankalp. This has meant endless no. of calls, some during classes. My teachers have always encouraged me to take them. They have never put hurdles in what I consider me duty.
We have a very beautiful relationship. I on one hand ensure that I never misuse the trust and the faith they have on me. And I guess they support me because they feel that I wont betray them. But in this silence , a beautiful tomorrow is taking shape in me.
I get encouraged to come out of hesitation and work for the right things. I feel that by doing so I will win the confidence of many more good people like my teachers and will be able to move towards a Better Bharat.
Dear Teachers,
Kindly bear up with me. Kindly forgive me for my wrong doings. Kindly guide me into the future.
Thank you so very much.
I think Institution is not only made of by teachers and good books but by student too. If you being true to your teacher then how come he ( be anyone ) be ignorant towards you. NICE THOUGHT, hope to make my life better !