Please post the developments which are done in this page.
More blood banks added
Project Disha was started with the collection of blood availability statistics from 3 blood banks- ramaiah, karnataka red cross and lions.
Present status
on daily basis stats are being collected from Karnataka red cross and Lions. The person from Ramaiah hospital who is suppose to give us the stats is on leave for fewdays so no information from there.
2 more blood banks were added last friday- Rastrothana and sushruta.Stats collection is starting from today.
Rajat's Works
These are the works given to me:
1 >> Get the form for the donor registration working-done-
2 >> Design Software Architecture-done submission awaited-
3 >> Volunteer of Week Section to be added on Sundays-no work-
4 >> Post Sunday topic of Discussion-done-
5 >> Run time debugging of Disha-no work-
Ankita's work
Following are the works alloted to me:-
-> create table for daily blood statistic for the site
-> to maintain Sankalp's PRs record
-> prepare an excel sheet for daily stats collected till date
-> developing Sankalp's BDO site
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