Padmavathibai Burli, wife of the renowned freedom figher,Bindacharya Burli, was a silent and piouswoman.Circumstances so conspired against the family that they had to struggle for two square meals a day. Bindacharya breathed patriotism and lived patriotism. The cause and call of Mother India was always above his domestic obligations. Padmavatibai,not only stood by her husband but led a silent agitation herself by feeding the tired and hungry freedom fighters. She used to
tell her own children to eat a little less so that the sons of the nation, committed to free Mother India, could be fed. She used to take food to the freedom fighters who were in hiding.
Once she was found serving food to Shakuntala Dabade and Shantabai Karamarkar, who were on satyagraha. Padmavatibai was arrested along with Shakuntala Dabade and Shantabai Karamarkar and all the three of them were sentenced to three
months’ imprisonment.
All these women and many more who lived in huts and hamlets, rose above their ordinary selves and fought for the freedom of our country. It is the duty of every Indian to make India worthy of their noble sacrifice.
Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya was a freedom
fighter of the highest order. She led many
struggles. A poet and artist of no mean
order, she inspired thousands of Indian
women through her writings.
Laxmi Swaminathan was the commander
of the Rani of Jhansi Regiment, the Women’s
Wing of the Indian National Army founded by
Subhash Chandra Bose. She was a member
of the INA that fought and defeated the British
Army at Rangoon in Burma.
Keep sharing it...
I think one of the way to pay tribute to this people are by sharing such story among friends and forum...
If you would make a article on any such person i would like to publish it in "FORGOTTEN HERO OF THE MONTH" section..
Keep Sharing
I did not know my grandmother
I did not know my grandmother Padmavatibai, have just heard stories of her from my father. I think their sacrifice and the blessings and gratitude of people who were helped by them continues to help me when I face problems in life.
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