March 23rd, 2006

Submitted by sankalp on
This thing is coming out a bit late, but like they say, "Better late than never". :) March 23, 2006 was the 75th death anniversary of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev. Rajat met me a few days before 23rd and told me about their plans for commemerating this special day. I was overjoyed to see the concern in them. I wanted to be a part of the march they did on MG Road, but I could not make it. I wanted to do my bit and pay tribute to these amazing people. So did I. I conducted a kannada JAM for the MSRIT udbhav fest. Since I was in control of the whole thing, I requested the audience to maintain a minute's scilence. I also talked a bit about Bhagat Singh. This may seem nothing compared to what my friends at sankalp did, but I am proud to have done my bit. Jai Hind!! Sirigannadam Gelge!!


Submitted by rajat on Thu, 30-Mar-2006 - 15:23


Thats really great Devdutta. Im glad i told you about that mission. Vande Maataram.

Submitted by Jayesh on Fri, 31-Mar-2006 - 22:43


this is not any small thing what you had done....its easy to do things in group but as difficult to do any thing alone .....but you had done that....great...A SALUTE TO YOU FOR THAT

Submitted by abhinav on Sat, 01-Apr-2006 - 00:28


i hope every indian should understand his/her responsibilities and do their part of work , so that will make india the golden bird again JAI HIND