Arthur Ashe the legendary Wimbledon player was daying of Cancer.From world over he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have 2 select u for such a fatal disease?" To dis Arthur replied:" The world over 5 billion childern start playing tennis, 50,000 come 2 circuit 5000 reach de grand slam, 50 reach Wimbeldon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals,When I was holding the Cup I never asked GOD Why me? and 2day in pain I should not b askin GOD why me, Happiness keeps u Sweet, Trials keep u strong, Sorrows keeps u Human, Failures keeps u humble, Success keeps u growing BUT only GOD keeps U going :)
"Can you take charge"
Witha ll what God gives us.. we still have reasons to cribb.
Can we take charge?
Can we count our blessings..
This surely will show us why it is us, who should perform..
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