My definition of a rally before being a part of walk for life- A group of people (mostly politically minded), having no work of their own getting together to cause inconvenience to the public and go against the persisting system. I am from Calcutta, so I very well know about the problems a general public faces. Whenever a rally is about to take place I used to change my plans and avoided going to the place where the rally was supposed to take place. I cant help- its in my mind. So when Rajat sir mentioned about rally, I distanced myself from that group and preferred to sick with BDO. Sir was very convincing on his part that this was for publicity of the toll free number 1062 and was for a noble cause. But that rally thing stuck to my head. Who knew that my definition was going to change on 11th of November and I would take part in Walk for life and feel happy after doing my part.
Anyway I was as confused as ever even the next day when I saw my friends working on charts to be used during the walk. I couldn't resist and ended up sitting in the college canteen. The amount of work that was scheduled to be put up was huge and I was amazed by the optimistic level of the madams. Hats off to them and the amount of effort they put in. The pace at which everyone worked during the week was awesome. Plans were made and changed at will. Everyone was allowed to put forward his/her views. Earlier whenever I worked in a team there were some ego clashes and other innumerable problems used to creep up. But as a part of this amazing team I can proudly say that we worked as a real team and were happy with the amount of work we put in.
One week later, its amazing to know that we have contributed in making the people aware of a blood helpline number. Starting from scratch to standing near the Mahatma Gandhi statue-we learnt a lot. I would have missed a lot if I was not a part of this. Someone was telling us that day that we need to motivate people. But in order to motivate others we ourselves first need to be motivated. Sankalp is the platform for us. A rally without disruption of traffic, without littering of streets, without police problems, without inconvenience to the general public is unknown. But this team managed it. All because of the effort of our senior volunteers had put in. Thank you sirs and madams. We, the first year students are indebted to you. Thank you.