Submitted by KAVYA.A on
Its easy to cry that you are beaten and die; Its easy to crawfish and crawl; But to fight and to fight when hope's out of sight Why;that's the best game of all. And though you come out of each grueling bout All broken and beaten and scarred-- Just have one more try. it's dead easy to die; It's the keeping on living that's hard


Submitted by amitsedai on Wed, 20-Dec-2006 - 13:29


Weakness is sin.People are not able to stand up because they are weak People do not fight injustice because they believe they are weak. Stand up... show ur strength. It takes guts to stand up and change something that is so static. It takes guts to change bring urself out of that safe environment into a world of changes. Dare to come , dare to see a world of possibilities. Only heroes live their life,weak just live and die.