Second Visit to School...

During his Wonderful first visit to school on Republic Day, Sankalp team interact with the school adminstrator, staff and childrens. During the talk with school staff, sankalp got to know how the school staff are working in a limited resource and trying their best to give the children the best education they can. Inspired by the dedication of staff and efforts by children on Republic Day celebration. Sankalp plans to visit the school second time with another small help. This time sankalp team visited school on 3rd Feb.Again Sankalp had a great time with children and enjoy distributing Note book and pencil among children. Priya and Shweta, who were visiting the place first time, were amazed by the school staff and children dedication. Sankalp team consists of three memeber during its second visit. They are: 1. Shweta 2. Priya 3. Jayesh Sankalp team visited with following help with them:(After Consulting school Administrator) 1. Note Books - 210 Copies 2. Pencils - 10 Packet 3. Mats Jai Hind
Sankalp Unit

Submitted by shweta on Wed, 14-Feb-2007 - 21:45


It was a wonderful expirence... Had a lot of fun... The kids were great.... The Staff was awesome.... And I was stun to know that the school fee is just Rs. 20 per annum. You know some of the parents don't even pay that... Most of the times the teachers end up spending from their pocket... The teachers very good, dedicated... They are beyond what i can tell you... And the KIDS...! They were sweethearts.... lovely.... Beautiful... Some Confident... some were shy... Some very naughty.... some were sweet, adorable,innocent.... But each one of them is an ANGEL... YOU KNOW... IT DOESN'T MATTER FOR WHAT LIFE DOESN'T HAVE FOR YOU ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT YOU CAN MAKE OF WHAT LIFE HAS FOR YOU... THESE KIDS ARE MAKING THEIR LIFE OF WHAT LIFE HAS FOR THEM... THE STAFF IS DOING WHAT THEY CAN TO BRIGHTEN UP THE LIVES OF THESE KIDS.... I am left with a wonderful feeling whenever i think of that day.... It's just WOW....

First of all i want to thank you for taking time to visit the school on Republic Day. Also i would like to add that i was personally stunt by the dedication of all the staff members. They feel school as their home and do their best to give children best education and facility. Also Thanks for sharing your Experience with all. I hope it will inspire others.