If there is a situation in which you know that the patient is terminally i'll. And the doctors are still trying. And they are requesting for huge number of units of blood.
WILL YOU DONATE for this person?
and WHY?
my expierience
i dont know about others i will surely donate blood which i have done last year one of my friend died the doctors told us he wont live longer but later they asked us to donate blood to extend some more r which i and other 13 friend of mine donated blood for him.
Keep Trying...
All whats is in hands of all of us(doctor and donor)is to keep trying and i think we should not give up at any point...What i feel is if in case of 100 case if you safe one life that will be biggest reward.
We should do whats all in our hand and leave the rest in which we dont have control...
Yes,I will.Thats because the feeling of service is much greater that the outcome.Being a volunteer , I feel it more strongly and I'll never stop this commitment.
Sometimes at night
before you go to sleep, one thought hovers in your mind..
Was there anything that could have saved that one life?
Then you can do nothing but sleep in pain.
Choose hope against reason. We play games with destiny. Whether we loose or win.. we must not back off from the fight..
Donate till the last breath..
A real Life Example...
5 units were donated on 15th jan 07 by Sankalp donors and volunteers for a blood cancer patient who was just 15yrs old. Today one of our volunteers was suppose to undergo platelets aphaeresis for the same patient but unfortunately that patient passed away last night. We were told by the doctor that survival chance is just 1% for this young boy still we agreed to donate blood n platelets. This was the only thing we could have done and we tried doing it in best possible way. Donors who donated and who agreed to donate are the real hero of this world who performed their duty without any expectations or hope...
Yes I will.HOPE is one wonderful thing that keeps man alive.I believe that once we decide to do something the effort from our side should be maximum.Because thats all which is there in our hand. Rest all is unpredictable.
Try till the last moment gets over.Who knows the magic of the next moment.
Atleast you will not have a reason to regret.
I Will...
I would donate....
He'll survive or not is left to THE GOD....
But what I can do on my part to save that very life is in my hands...
You know that question or a thought that comes to mind if i had not donate that WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF I HAD DONATED?
Question like that which can put me into the guilty feeling is not good.... i don't like them...
So I prefer doing whatever i can do....
Results won't matter....
Anyways I'll get back that blood within 90 days...
Nothing goes wasted...
And ya if he survives....
MIRACLES do happen:-)
Miracles do happen in our world.. sometimes even if the probability of occurance of something is 0.1% miraculously it does happen.. So even if i know that the patient is terminally ill, i will surely do my best to try and save him.. Who knows a miracle might take place:-)
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