An Appeal to Indians

Submitted by rajat on
Recently I have observed a mail floating all over the internet. Is shows some Queen of one of the former Indian Princely states. They also show the Tiranga on her feet. People are forwarding this mail to everyone in their friend's list. They are saying that every India's blood must boil at seeing this image and we should forward this mail to all so that the Government of India opens it's eyes to this. And yes, there are some patriotic lines and slogans too that accompany the mail. As my inner voice guided, I never forwarded these. I did not even react to the first of this kind that I received. But now it is too much. I must explore what is lacking in me that my blood does not boil the way these people feel and why i do not demonstrate my patriotism by forwarding this mail. Firstly, Why should this fact be known to all? Why? Are these people who are receiving this mail so touched by the image that they will walk out of their comfort zone to do something about it? Do they even care once the mail is forwarded? When they think of this event, what is the dominant emotion? Do they feel personally hurt? Or is it a new interesting point for the table top discussion that takes place in each of our towns in every village and on every street. Will it add to the reasons that people have to accuse the governance and the society? Will it serve as another blame transfer tactic? How many of the people who are forwarding this mail do actually get up on a Republic day to go and salute the Tiranga? When it comes to action on our own, most of us are found at the end of the queue. These feelings are expressed on the internet and in public places not by co-incidence. There is a deeper meaning. You might ask what i want to do about this? You may question who am I to comment. here is my answer. I really do not know what to do about this. But I know for sure that what is being done is wrong. You never go out and shout on the streets when something shameful happens in your house. you never make an issue out of a thing that must make your head fall down in shame. You cover the reason. Then why, why for God's sake are we trying to push this ahead. Try and tell more people how ashamed we are. Shame is in the eyes and in the heart. I do not really know if one of us actually wept or even felt sad while they were alone about this happening. If we were not, then let us put an end to this Drama, this show of crocodile tears, this approach of blame transfer right here. Your mother, and the Spirit's of the Martyrs who died for the Tiranga, I am sure, will be happier if you can take this opportunity to look within and search for things that you have been doing wrong. May not be in the way this queen did, but hundreds of us, daily put the Tiranga to shame. If you want to do something, do something within. I appeal to all of you to put an end to this show of shame.



First, i have to tell that the thoughts you have expressed here are great ! When i received this mail , its you who came to my mind ! i know u wud have comments on this. .

and now, for the sake of argument ( u luv debates Image removed. ) i am askin u a question . .

One of the statement says

" You never go out and shout on the streets when something shameful happens in your house. you never make an issue out of a thing that must make your head fall down in shame. You cover the reason. "

Yes , u r right . I never go OUT and shout about the wrong things happened in our home but we make sure that atleast the ppl Inside our home know abt that !!

In this case, the event happened here is about our country and this mail makes sure that the ppl in the country know about this ! So, logically , there is nothin wrong in mailing this.

But still i agree with all ur other points . . it s baseless to xpect the govt look into this matter . .

Awaiting your reply :)

I will ake a small example.

When there is an accident on the road and someone is severely bleeding, there are hundreds of people who stand around and watch. All get to know about the event. There are those, who look, and then go back to tell their friends and family what a painful sight it was, how bad the situation was, how rash people drive, how slow ambulances are and so on. There are those who try and see what can be done. Either they do something to help the person, or they move on. If I am right in my interpretation of these situations, these people do not find it amazing to discuss such issues later. Sometimes they do get involved in a subtle talk over the issue though.

It is absolutely right to inform all the people in the house about what happened if there is the possibility/expectation/language/expression that might trigger prevention of such events in future. Infact, I would love to see such things happening. But, is this what the person is trying to deliver by the language of this mail? If spreading a message leads to improvement (in any capacity), surely it is good. If the same message only ignites hatred, blame transfer, false expressions of concern.. I really don’t know how useful it is.

"The context - the language - the purpose is what makes the difference" :)

BTW: I quit debating 4 years back. One singled out occasion was 2 weeks back when I participated for the sake of fun.