First Blood Donation of its type. With association with Gokula Education foundation, Sankalp is working to provide continuous blood to M.S Ramaiah Blood Transfusion.
To achieve this sankalp will organize small and periodic donation camp in Gokula Education.
This donation camp will mark the start of this initiative.
As mentioned above this camp is one of a kind until now....
In this camp, we will be collecting 35 units per camp. And a camp will be conducted once a fortnight. We will be visiting 2 or 3 class each time as the requirement is very small i.e 35 units. The students will be missing 1 class or atmost 2 classes[conditions applied..;)] for which they will be given attendence.
As obvious it'll have less impact on donors academics.
In this way, we will able to ensure continuous supply of blood to Ramaiah Blood Bank.
And the other Institutions of Gokula Education Foundation will be donating in every alternative week.
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