Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre

Submitted by rajat on
It is many years since that aweful evening. The day when thousands of Indians were slaughtered on a whim of an Imperial general. Jallianwalah Bagh Massacre was the turning point in the freedom movement. The killing of so many innocent people spaked the fire in the hearts of thousands of Indians. Many jumped into the freedom Struggle. Years have passed. Dust has gathered. But we are remembering them. Why? Is it just a small minute of rememberence and is that it? History has always baffled me. What do I learn? What do I take back? I remember the line which Bhagat Singh once said-" We have been taught to see horror in manslaughter, but we have not been taught to see horror in age old poverty and tyrrany inflcted upon an entire population". I can just take it on myself not to wait for disaster of this magnitude to stir my soul.I will not wait of another massacre to think about my responsibility. I know it is difficult. I know it sounds crazy. But that is what I can see. That is all I can do! I hope I do! God grant peace to their souls who died for our freedom!


Submitted by smruthi aravind on Sat, 14-Apr-2007 - 21:38


not only grant peace...fuse their souls wid the pple of this generation ...so that they see wat they 've lost n loosin..n fight 4 those which r theirs...