are Mahabharatha and Ramayana myths?
What made you think so..?
Even before I start thinking about the answer, I feel compelled to ask you what made you think they may be myths???
yes i belive
i too belive in them 2 the fullestextent..but last week i happen to come across a group of my frenz who wre either tryin to be inclined towards callin these as myths... as interestin i reasoned all of their question intheir own scientific and modern language... so any one hre would like to ask ant qts regdin these epics ... questionin their very happenin...plz do so....
That's a good question...
Even I don't have the answer for it...
I mean sure answer...
For me, they are real, they are true, They are beyond being myths...
I believe in them...
They are the BIGGEST EPICS of the world and
they do make sense...
And I even heard that evidences haave been found of existence of Hasthinapur.
And we have Aiyodyaya..
But it is a good question...
Even I want the ANSWER
i'm really confused.. when we were kids, i believed in this things..but you all know.. how your mind grows. i'm so confused.
Actually it could be either ways.
A person with a pure scientific inclination who is not dumb enough to close his/her eyes to all evidence, I think, must never disbelief the Mahabharat. It is just too provoking.
the Indian mainland till date is filled with evidences of such a happening..
Ill narrate one such example: Lakhamandal is a place about 60 Kms from Mussoorie on Mussoorie - Yamunotri highway. This place is the place when the Mahabharat claims a home was made out of shellac(lakh) for the Pandavs as a part of a larger conspiracy to kill them.. Even if you go there now.. you can find hundreds of archaeological evidences scattered all around..
Same goes for Ramayan. Although Ramayan has fewer such examples..
But if someone truly asks me why are these scriptures important to us, I will have an interpretation that has nothing to do with whether they actually happened or not.. It goes as follows:
The Indian way of life as described by the Vedas was too complex for the common man to understand.. and it is today.. Somewhere down the centuries.. these two great epics became so prominent because in simple common man's language they conveyed the true meaning of Dharma, Arth, Kaam and Moksha to them... These are the foundation of our society. A guide into Hinduism and Indianism.. Whether they actually existed or are only a teacher's imagination does not change any thing as far as their relevance in modern times is concerned..
Somethings can never be completely verified.. The Bible written just about 1900 years back is marred with controversy.. In any such debate no argument is good enough
The Indian Epics
The Indian Epics contain too many characters and too many incidents interlinked in too complex a form for us believe that it could have been created by a single human mind. It is near impossibility for one human writer to have cooked it all up.
Therefore it seems more probable that the events mentioned there happened, but on a very mild scale which has been over the years enriched with the imaginations of man. This is bound to happen because the epics were in poetic form and truth could have been interpreted in various ways by one generation after the next. A particularly Strong warrior Bheema could have been given the strength of a thousand elephants by one imaginative person and his version seems to have seeped through to all of us because it caught the attention of ordinary men.
Whatever it may be,it is imperative that we respect such great works of our ancestors, for our epics are our greatest treasure bearing proof of our ancient superiority as compared to any other culture.
do u think so?
as far as i think it is a part of our history..
from the start our grandparents have narrated us incidents from the mahabharatha n ramayana from which we should grasp/ adopt some values.
people in india still worship many many lords present in these epics.
how can so many people be wrong??
do you really think these are myths which are carrying forward from one generation to the others??
well i dont think so..
hre it goes..these events did happen..these pple wre far more advanced than us...with the vedas at their disposal they had the most available technolgy available..its jus not KUNTI recited mantras to get children...the concept of test tube babies did evolve at tat time..the appearance of lord krishna durin durin draupadi harana is not actual..but a mere projection of it by teleseriels...its said tat she went into deep meditation chanting the name of lord krishna..this gave her strebght to constrain the act on her...many other inci s like thse to be posted...keep lookin...
Imagining that the ppl of
Imagining that the ppl of the vedic age were far more advanced than us, and then trying hard to speculate and co-relate the stories from the yonder with modern science facts will give the impression of only one thing.... The modern youth, educated the western way, unable to find a clear "western logic" to explain their heritage, desperarely trying to theorize their history based on scientific facts.... Why is that anything that is not scientific is unrealistic ?
If our ancestors were advanced and scientifically supreme then well and good, we must be proud of them (also little angry for not handing down that knowledge to us).
But in the more probable eventuality of them not being so scientifically forward, what do we have to lose and be ashamed about ?
What we lacked in Greek Logic we have more than made up in MetaPhysics and Theology and Philosophy and of course Literature.
Why is not Art and Literature not given that status......?
The epics could be pure poetry and the magnitude of it sheerly inhuman, but there are more chances of it being that and hence more appreciated than trying to co-relate it with yet undiscovered science. Nonetheless............... They have every human emotion depicted in there, every value one needs to respect, why not we appreciate that ?
The Mahabaharata and Ramayana .................
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