A Volunteer

Submitted by rajat on
A person who dedicates a part of his/her life for a cause.. The cause of saving precious human life. The cause of the nation.. The cause .. Each one of us is struggling for a better place to live in. A world of our dreams. People ask us why we do so... and what do we reply?? The common reply is to realize our dreams.. When we talk on a Sunday Morning in food court and talk about work, one should not forget the seriousness and the depth that is involved when you are talking about a Blood Revolutions.. Remember People .. revolutions do not come easy. They do not come for free.. You must not forget that what you are aiming for is the star.. You must not forget that you are planning to motivate an entire generation to be life savers.. To be action driven power packed youth. You must not forget that you are aiming at removing the dust and the girth that has gathered over people's mind due to long extended inaction. How can you be so very result demanding when you know that there is a lot to be done before you say that your best effort is over? How can you think of a change without sufficient toil and pain.? Believe in dreams.. Dreams of a change.. But if you dream of a change without the support of the real life hard work, I am sorry, I guess you are going no-where. Patience, Persistence and hard work.. Hit your head on the wall till it crumbles... Have the patience to keep refining yourself over and over again till you are just right.. Work hard.. so hard that nothing more remains to be done.. Each one of us may die.. sooner or later.. leaving the world just the same as when we came.. But some of us will make a difference.. If you want to be the one whose death leaves behind a better place.. you must learn to put together your blood sweat and tears.. Till the change is there.. there should be no stopping..


Submitted by Jayesh on Tue, 24-Apr-2007 - 19:07


I can understand the reason behind this blog...I can understand the depth of this article as i had experience how it feel to work for a cause when all are partying that too not once, twice or thrice but again and again without knowing its end.. What i want to say to all volunteers is its feel very good when someone appricate your work but in sankalp you have to learn to work for bigger cause with lots of patience(dont expect immediate result)...

Submitted by lalithgparmar on Thu, 26-Apr-2007 - 17:21


come on friends ...lets not only read this post and leave it there itself....every one of us has the potential to bring about a change ...come out of your shell...visualize the world in a broader sense and then you will see the beauty of it... lets perspire together and work towards bringing a change... VANDE MATARAM