Money will buy bed but not sleep
Money will buy books but not brain
Money will buy food but not apetite
Money will buy finary but not beauty
Money will buy house but not home
Money will buy medicine but not health
Money will buy luxries but not culture
Money will buy amusements but not happiness
Money will buy religion but not salvation
money can bye all..
money can bye everytihng...
caonsider if u donn have money...
if u can not buy bed.. where will u sleep.. u can sleep in road for a day or two.. but.. third day u wont sleep.. coz u wann do something to get a bad...
well for growing ur brain either u need a teacher or a books... for that u need money.. i donn think u wann start from the adimanos age..
well today pr tomo.. u need food for life.. and daily u can not eat junk only...
well to maintain ur beuty(clean water) and health(good food) .. u need money..
well... we need money buying culture... we are buying US culture out of our money... and we are collecting money.. to generate awareness in ppl regarding out culture...
well... i m happy.. coz i have money.. i can do anything i want... if u r happy to write thiese articals.. for getting these happeness u need internet.. and hence money...
and.. so on...
so u see...
i would say.. my father had money.. thats y i have job...( he culd send me to a good institute for study..) if he had not.. i would have been in a village... and not sure.. if i was able to manage my life expense...
so.. i say... money buys if not all... but most to u...
Money has its limitations..
Your last sentence says it all what this post is trying to say. If i put it in different words.. MONEY IS NOT ALL THAT MATTERS . Many things in life are such that even if you sell yourself you wont get it. You were born to such loving and caring parents and u have them in your life. Its not money who got you them and i bet u, you wont ever get such parents if there would have been option to buy parents for urself..this was just an example.. Money has its limitations. Its not everything..Just think what all in life You have which money didnt get you and you ll be able to understand what is being said in this post..
give me some eg...
well... i would like u to give me some eg. that money can not buy.. and that is must needed for life.. well u talking of parents.. today u can get children from the AnathAshrams... u can choose..which one would be better for u... well think practically.. ppl donn really need parents..(consider time when u have grown up and can earn) or they have.. thats why.. there is no place where u can pay money and get parents..... so i would still say.. money can buy u everything..
Think again...
My dear friend i agree You can always choose a child to adopt...but remember it wont ever get those characteristics which you would have liked your child to inheret from u. Its not under your or your money power contol..That child may turn to be a criminal. even if u spend hell lot of money and give ur own child best of all this world can offer, u never know tomorrow he may turn into a under world don. Now tell me can u buy a defined set of traits for ur child...
I m staying in hostel and for me only financial assistance would have been enough from my parents. Except that, as u said i shouldnt have felt the need of my parents.. Even if i think practically or in any other way, today i m feeling home sick..i m missing my parents...n its not money as i get more than i ask for...
I would just like to say that money is necessary to survive in this world but its not the only or its not the most important thing.
Again.. I would say money
Again.. I would say money can buy..
You are talking of parents who gave birth to me and with I share my happy moments.
Let me put it this way. Consider my father did not had enough money when I was about to come to this world.My father must have thought of giving me birth whether he will be able to feed me. And even if he was able to feed me two dry chapatis I must have come but how about the entry fee to this world i.e. the initial hospital expenses.
Lucky that I came as boy. If I would have come as gal my father could have killed me or my mother could have given me to someone else.
So, I would say my father bought me from God.
What do you think is life composed of ? When you die.. while going out of the world.. will you regret not having a Red Ferrari(pl do not take personally) more or will you regret not having done enough for the soul more?
The said words are very much
The said words are very much true in today's world.
It's practical.
i dont agree to u completely ... yes money can buy u house but not home ... money can give u food but not cannot buy u love.... but money can provide u security ... money can give u house , car ,etc and we can convert the house to home. So practially having money is just one side of the story. There r people who have money thats why they r not happy , and there r most of the people who r not happy because they dont have money.So i will say it is necessary to have money but keep that should not be given first priority in life . First comes family and near and dear once and than comes rest . is
First come our love ones... shoulnt be given first priority or else it wont let you live ur life happily and peacefully.
Money is my Friend!!!
Money may not me the ultimate thing but if you make money as ur friend it will help you and assist you in taking few decisions later in your life which would take you two or three steps HIGHER in dimension!!!
just as we require parents,friends ,relatives and teachers to guide us,MONEY will also play the same ROLE!!!!Money is one of my best Friend :) ...If you live in harmony with it it will take you a LONG WAY!!!
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