uncondional love

Submitted by alleniterashmi2000 on
Once there was a family. They were not very rich people and more than often they would be in a financially tight position. It was one such phase that was going on in there lives. It was also tough because their only 5 year old daughter was terminally ill and they couldn't do anything to get her adequate medical facilities or even save her life. Christmas was just around the corner and for days this girl Sam had been thinking that what she could give her mother as a present on Christmas. Today she was fanatically searching for something in the house while her mom had gone out shopping. Finally she found a role of golden wrapping paper safely tucked away in some dingy corner of a wardrobe they hardly used. Her little eyes gleamed with joy and excitement as a brilliant idea just flashed across her mind. She carefully put her gift in a big box &was wrapping it with that golden paper when her mother entered her house only to be shocked. The mother to her horror saw what her daughter had done to that very expensive wrapping paper and without demanding an explanation yelled at her daughter, you silly girl, don't you know what tough times we are going through that you are wasting such an expensive paper and slapped her hard across her face. The innocent little sam didn't say anything and silently retired to her room. The next morning was Christmas morning and sam holding that present in her little hands entered her mothers room and with a big smile on her cute innocent face told her mom, merry Christmas mom ,this is for you. The mothers eyes filled with tears of joys and shame over the sweet gesture her daughter had showed and embarrassed for her over reaction the day before and she knelt down and took her daughter in her arms. The mother carefully opened the gift her daughter had so lovingly given her anticipating what could be in that big box only to find the box empty which again triggered her anger once again and she shouted, you bad girl, donate you so much good sense and manners to not play tricks with your mother and that if you are giving a gift to keep something inside the box. The little girl then said that, mommy the box is not empty but instead I had kept a gift in it. I had carefully sealed the after I had carefully blown kisses into the box till it was full, so that when I am gone then whenever you feel low down or dejected or you in some kind of trouble or when u really miss me then you can open the box take out one kiss from it and mommy it will take all your troubles and give u love in the same way you do when I’m in trouble. The mother was deeply touched and asked her daughter to forgive her for her folly for mistaking her. After a few days the girl passed away but her mother kept that box with her with utmost care for the rest of her life taking out one imaginary kiss of her daughter and getting some secret energy confidence or strength from that unconditional love of her daughter her angel.


Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Mon, 07-May-2007 - 12:42


this is a really touching story.. Try and understand the power of love..

Submitted by rajat on Tue, 08-May-2007 - 19:01


The value of the paper is increasing.. the box is becoming increasingly important but the only thing that is loosing value is what was inside the box.. Beautiful story!

Submitted by pooja on Thu, 10-May-2007 - 10:48


it is really very touching...very beautifully conveyed

Submitted by Jayesh on Fri, 11-May-2007 - 21:06


Its a real heart touching story which convey a big message..

Submitted by smruthi aravind on Sat, 12-May-2007 - 00:07


we never know when n whose time is goin 2 be up...so with whomever u know..with all ur loved ones...try to b as affectionate as if its da last day wid them...try not 2 hurt anybody...coz may b it leads to anything..n we should not regret after we loose them ...time will not comeback even if we say"if only i had those moments again.."....