It was a day before yesterday when I saw sparks coming out of the electric post outside the hostel. I assumed the authorities of our hostel have seen it and might have taken appropriate action.However,yesterday evening as I was working on my system I could see fluctuations in my tubelight. A friend of mine came and reported heavy sparking in the same post.
I went, saw the situation and called BESCOM.In the meantime i asked the security to avoid crowding near the post, as people fancy seeing such things.But people do not listen. It took me time to get them out.
Finally, the road was cleared and I came back from the place. Then out of a sudden,there was a BANG.Sparks flew on to the ground. Fortunately, no one was there to get hurt.Eventually, BESCOM people came after 40 minutes.
In this entire process I realized certain things:
First:Had I called BESCOM a day earlier, this wouldn't have happened.
Second:We have a habit of putting the responsibility of any work that doesn't matter to us to others. Like we have 'blame transfer' , so we have 'responsibility transfer'.Had there been any disaster the fault would have either gone to BESCOM or to the hostel authorities.
We need to become responsible citizens. Disaster doesn't come where people are responsible.
I am very Happy
I am glad on hearing of the route you chose..
Way to go!
Do your best.. Always
Life will teach you all the time and make you strong. Strong enough to battle all problems and come out victorious with your Cause.
Keep It up...
This is what i call true Sankalp volunteer..A person who take initiative, feel responsibility, take action and no blame transfer...
Continue the good work and try to be cautious at the first time itself..
cheer amit
WEll done amit...keep it up...hope eneryone of us try to be a responsible citizen to avoid disasters!!!!!!Not many realise it as they think its not there business!!!!!!
KEEP WALKING............
Way to go amit....
good job...
First step is all that is required to keep you
and heres it....
keep on walking....
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