how can one say that everything is possible on earth and if you are one such person who says this then how can u support ur statement and kindly tell me how.... can a born baby just lift ten kgs of load see its not possible so how can u say that its possible
i know i wont be able to give a strong answer to the question because what u r saying is absolutely true but u know what.. i strongly believe in miracles....
Also things are impossible because no one has ever tried it.. some hundreds or thousands of years later what u have told about the baby might actually become true..
just have faith and try completely to achieve whatever u want though it might look stupid or IMPOSSIBLE..
Believe in urself, others and miracles:-)
Everything is possible
yes i beleive in that...thing we believe is impossible is becasue of limited vision...if 200 year back if you thought a iron material flying in sky with other human inside it than it sound impossible in that time domain...silmilar there are many thing we feel impossible now will be possible after few years...
IMPOSSIBLE is nothing..
Imossible itself says i'm possible..
Anything u do or want to accomplish requires hard work n patience to achive the fruitful result..
Man makes things for his usefullness, his luxery..
Do u think ever will it be necessary for a baby to lift 10 kgs of weight...
If so give it time n someone will definately be able to make babies stronger who will be able to lift not just 10kgs but even more weight...
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