my first action movie.....
it waz a normal monday noon..weni waz jus done with my internals and after a heavy lunch waz havin a surf on www.suddenly my cell vibrated and yes i d got a blood donation case...the prob wz tat the patient waz from a rural background and kannada wz he s only communicative lang...i hurried over there with my fren volunteer amit..and wen v interevened the case seemed to be quite the patient needed to meke jus on donation 4rom their side..but the prob wz tat none of the patient srelatives wre ready to donate..perhaps later at nite thier feelin changed
between GOD and ACCUSED...who s HE?
between GOD and ACCUSED...who s HE??????i d been readin and followin abt him from past 4 years..realy admire this up n tell// Designated TADA judge Pramod Dattaram Kode goes to work every day in a bullet-proof ambassador in the halo of Z-plus security. For over eleven years he has been presiding over Asia's longest terror trial and he hasn't missed a single day. Not even when his father expired a few years ago. He has spent thousands of hours surveying the arguments for and against the people who were responsible for the serial blasts that rocked Mumbai in 1993.
the chief minister who s makin a diff........
Observant visitors to Kerala often stump me with two questions. First, how has a state so blessed by the rain god let its rivers run dry? Second, why doesn't India's most literate state not feature at the top of the software ranking?
The answer to both: Human folly.
Kerala was once at the forefront of both the electronic and the environmental revolutions. (By Indian standards anyway!) A quarter of a century ago, citizens came together to block the Silent Valley Project, raising their voices until not just Thiruvananthapuram but even Delhi had to listen.
"DO not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."
Empower the School
I have been receiving lots of requests in recent times from the various friends we have to do something for the poor.
As is clear we will not be making any long term commitment for real hard work now owing to the priority(Blood Donation) requiring lots of work.
But this does not in any way stop us from doing some small thing for the Children, specially poor and helpless.
So, I thought I will put up a discussion here and if something comes out, It will be executed..
Feel free to share..
How much we know about our culture?
How much we know about our culture?
are Mahabharatha and Ramayana myths?
are Mahabharatha and Ramayana myths?
My Team....
My team...
From "Walk for Life" till a blood donation camp in MSRIT, working with my team, my friends has been a wonderful journey...
From "Walk for Life" till a blood donation camp in MSRIT, working with my team, my friends has been a wonderful journey...