Know India

Know India is an attempt to bring to you some amazing facts about our country. Every second day we post something that tells you more about our land. Starting from issues to history, from culture to literature and fine arts, this is a magic box of small write-ups that you will fall in love with soon.

LCA: Light Combat Aircraft

Submitted by aurora on

LCA LCA is an advanced technology, single seat, single engine, supersonic, light-weight, all-weather, multi-role, air superiority fighter designed for air-to-air, air-to-ground and air-to-sea combat roles. LCA is the world's smallest, light weight, multi-role supersonic combat aircraft.

Daskathia: Orissa's pecularity

Submitted by aurora on

DASKATHIA, once a popular art form confined to Ganjam, has spread to all other Districts of Orissa. 'Dasa" means a devotee. 'Katha' means two wooden pieces played in tune with the prayer of the devotee. The party consists of two persons. One is the chief singer, the other is the 'Palia' who helps him in all respects in singing and acting. The two persons stage a whole drama, act all the parts, change their tone from minute to minute. They relates humorous stories in between to break the monotony.

Tulasi: The holy plant Indian plant

Submitted by aurora on

Tulasi is one of the most sacred plants in India, and many worship this plant daily as a means of cultivating their own consciousness through the power of devotion. Tulasi gives Sattwa, or positivity and healing power. It is said to open the heart and mind, increase the sense of spiritual love, and to enhance devotion, faith, compassion and clarity.