Know India

Know India is an attempt to bring to you some amazing facts about our country. Every second day we post something that tells you more about our land. Starting from issues to history, from culture to literature and fine arts, this is a magic box of small write-ups that you will fall in love with soon.

Lijjat: The co-op revolution

Submitted by aurora on
Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad, popularly known as Lijjat, is an Indian women's organization manufacturing various products. The organization's registered office is situated in Mumbai and it has 67 branches and 35 divisions all over India..Scripting a success story: Workers at one of the thriving Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad unit.>

Pangong Tso: Where nature reveals it's beauty

Submitted by aurora on

Pangong Tso is a lake situated far away in barren land in Ladakh. This lake is known for its calm, clear and unending expanse. It is the one of biggest lake in Asia. Its area falls under both India and China. One third of it is in India and remaining in China. It is 130 km long and 7 km wide. It is located on the Changtang plateau in eastern Ladakh, around 140 km South-east of Leh, at an altitude of over 14000 feet. Pangong Tso is also known as hollow lake. It is clear symbol of natures craftsmanship. Its brackish water plays with sun light to produce different colour effect. This area falls under army control and requires pass from deputy commissioner of LehTo reach this lake one has to travel 30 km down the Manali-leh highway to reach karu. From where the road splits, one goes to Manali and one 113 km long to Pangong tso.

Train to Kashmir: the engineering spectacle in plan

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India is undertaking one of its most challenging railway projects ever by building a line to connect the state of Jammu and Kashmir with the Himalayan foothills. Far from being an ordinary scheme, the 290 km route crosses major earthquake zones, and is subjected to extreme temperatures of cold and heat, as well as inhospitable terrain.The Kashmir Railway has been under construction since 1994 by various railway companies in India. They have been engaged in building one of the most spectacular railway lines in the world. When completed this line will link the city of Jammu in the Northern plains of India with city of Srinagar in the Himalayan Valleys and beyond. ..This project has had a long and chequered history but as of 2006 serious progress is being made after it was declared a National Priority Project in 2001.

Baisakhi: When the new year's dawn breaks

Submitted by aurora on

Baisakhi is one of the major festivals of Sikhs and is celebrated with lot of enthusiasm and gaiety in the state of Punjab and all throughout the world where there is a significant Sikh population. For the large farming community of Punjab, Baisakhi Festival marks the time for harvest of rabi crops and they celebrate the day by performing joyful bhangra and gidda dance. For the Sikh community, Baisakhi Festival has tremendous religious significance as it was on a Baisakhi Day in 1699, that Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru laid the foundation of Panth Khalsa-the Order of the Pure Ones.Baisakhi Festival falls on the first day of Vaisakh month (April-May) according to Nanakshahi or Sikh Calendar.For this reason, Baisakhi is also popularly known as Vaisakhi. According to English calendar, the date of Baisakhi corresponds to April 13 every year and April 14 once in every 36 years.

India: The quintessence of peace loving nations

Submitted by aurora on
Time and again, India has risked the lives of its soldiers in peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations, not for any strategic gain, but in the service of an ideal. India's ideal was, and remains, strengthening the world body, and international peace and security. Indian troops have taken part in some of the most difficult operations, and have suffered casualties in the service of the UN. Professional excellence of the Indian troops has won universal admiration. India has taken part in the UN peacekeeping operations in four continents. Its most significant contribution has been to peace and stability in Africa and Asia. It has demonstrated its unique capacity of sustaining large troops commitments over prolonged periods. Presently, India is ranked as one of the largest troop contributors to the UN.