Senior Volunteer Feedback Report

The growth of an organization depends upon the people who are leading them. We at Sankalp benchmark all our people on the following five parameters to be able to mark and measure the strengths and weakness of our people and to track the growth of the organization. There five parameters are responsiveness, teamwork, leadership, initiative and delivery. Recently we completed a comprehensive feedback survey where all the volunteers got a change to evaluate the senior volunteers who lead them.

The motive behind this feedback was for senior volunteer to know their weak and strengths. The survey also brought out issues which are to be addressed at an organization wide level for better development of the leadership. Most of the volunteer pro actively participated in the feedback.
Total of 14 volunteer gave their inputs for the feedback. Though we have been doing this in-formally before but this is the first time when we have formally conducted the exercise. Since it was the first time, only the senior volunteers were evaluated. In the coming months a similar assessment will be carried out for all the volunteers.
Here are the results. In the survey, all the volunteers were asked to mark the senior Sankalp Volunteers on the chosen parameters from zero to five. After these numbers were obtained, average points for each senior volunteer were calculated and tabulated as percentages. The final result comprises of 3 values for each metric chose.
  1. Maximum: The bars in red show the maximum points that the volunteers got for the parameter.
  2. Average: The bars in green show the average points.
  3. Minimum: The bars in yellow show the minimum points that any volunteer got.


Sankalp Volunteer Feedbacks

The outcome of the feedback process highlights the following points:

  1. Teamwork: The Sankalp senior volunteers are very good team players. Average percentage for teamwork was 82%
  2. The major area of concern for the organization is to nurture leadership qualities in the senior volunteers. With average of 72% it is the lowest among all area. Leadership is also the area which has highest variation among the volunteers. With 51% being lowest to 93% highest.
  3. Initiative is another area which requires improvement.
  4. Sankalp senior Volunteers are highly responsive and this counts in their strengths.

Spread sheet with detail is attached.

Sankalp Unit