The phase 0 of CTC Disha has been completed. 13 govt hospitals visited. The volunteers being primarily engg students had only saturdays to effectively spread the information to the hospitals.
Already the calls from these hospitals for blood have started to come. Two of these hospitals have agreed to participate by sharing their blood stocks. All this happened in just 2 weeks!
Cheers to the CTC Disha publicity team, for planning and executing it in the best possible manner. Yes, there have been mistakes, lessons learnt, which will provide assistance in tackling situations in Phase I of the publicity.
Did I leave anything?
Durin the phase 0, a volunteer thought of meeting the BMTC for publicity. We decided to give it a try. The visit has been a success with the BMTC willing to let us put publicity stickers on 5000 odd buses plying in Bangalore and maybe even fund this initiative. If this works, it will constitute phase II of the project.
Videos for CTC Disha publicity are being made. More about it later.
Phase I:
- Visit to private hospitals.
- Media partners like Radio, Newspapers
The only limit is your thought.
Looking For Blood In Bangalore. Call (080)1062.