Blood Donation Awareness Week in Modern Public School

School Name: Modern Public School
Location: Ganganagar

Rakta Kranti Schools is an attempt to see a future of responsible and regular blood donors. Modern Public School, an English medium institution located in busy area of Ganganagar allowed us to present the program to the students of class 8 and 9, totally comprising of 94 students on 16th February.

Skit and informative talk: 16th February 2009
The program took place between 10:00 and 11:30. Along with the students, the faculty members too were present for the entire program. Few teachers and students raised doubts during the program. The teachers remarked that, they too had learnt a lot from the awareness program. Not to forget, the co-operation from the school was very good.

Competitions: 18th February 2009
Competition saw a reasonably good number of participants. All the competitions took place simultaneously as there was no student participating in more than one event.

Collage: This was a home event. Students were asked to make collage at home and submit it on the day of competitions.

Essay: 27 students participated in this event. Participants chose the topic of their interest and put their thoughts and understanding about blood donation on paper in the limited half an hour period.

Drawing: 17 students participated in drawing competition. All the students colorfully portrayed their knowledge on one of the given topics. Their creative talents were well showcased.

After conducting the events in this school, volunteers returned back satisfied that another set of students are all ready to become responsible donors in the future.

Selected Quotes from participants:
"A man is born to achieve something in world.Let us donate blood and achieve a great happiness and blessing from others and god.The greatest happiness in life is to be happy and make others donate blood and be happy and make others happy.DONATE BLOOD AND BE A SUPER HERO.FOR TODAY MY RESPONSIBILITY IS TO DONATE BLOOD"
-N.Patricia Anjali,10th

"All people think that only doctors or superheros save lives but they dont think they themselves can save lives by donating blood.WE SHOULD NOT THINK THAT DONATING BLOOD IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY BUT IT IS OUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE LIVES AND BECOME A LIFE SAVIOUR"

"Only 10% of them are with negative groups,here the scarcith begins"
-Sri Lakshmi.M

"If someone needs blood from where would he get the blood because there is no blood in blood banks because of our laziness.
Money which you waste to cure heart attack can be freely cured free of cost just by donating blood."


"By giving blood to someone we can make a difference in the world around us"

Principal’s Feedback:
“ The programme was very informative about the importance of blood donation and it motivated many students and teachers about the subject. It highly impresses them. The competitions which were conducted gave an outlet to showcase students’ creative talents in drawing, essay writing and collage work.

Totally the programme was very unique and the enthusiasm of the Sankalp India Foundation members inspired us. “--- Saroja ma’am.

Prize Distribution: 13th March 2009

The principal accompanied us to each high school class to award the best performers of the competitions.

After Modern Public School, volunteers conducted the program in another school in the afternoon. Feedback from this school was very encouraging for the volunteers. With increase in the number of schools where the Blood Awareness Program is being conducted, confidence in the volunteers too is increasing gradually.