November 2009: Rakta Kranti Colleges gearing up

Rakta Kranti Colleges

Once the colleges outside Bangalore were visited and convinced to join us in raising the voluntary blood donation in Karnataka, the TeamReds began to be set up. But due to minor problems like the authorities needing a little more clarification about the entire process, the program is being taken at a slower pace. Now more focus is given to ensure that everyone in the college are aware and motivated enough to organize blood donation drives. In the immediate action plan, Hubli, Dharwad, Kolar, Davangere and Shimoga are planned for visit and completion. Other districts will be covered soon.

A drive was successfully held in a Mysore college where the TeamRed volunteers worked very well to put up a good drive.


Punjab National Bank is funding one of our Projects. Rakta Kranti Schools brochures which are given to the students were funded for a certain number of by the bank. Thanks to PNB for their trust and support !!

Rakta Kranti Companies

On 13 th August, we organized a drive due to acute shortage of blood. A number of good things about the drive was that it was held exactly 3 months after the previous drive and all the arrangements were made in just two days. With about 38 units collected in the drive, they proved to be life saviors once again.

Sankalp Unit