December 2009: Sankalp on the roll

Rakta Kranti Companies: Two companies have yet again helped in spreading the message of voluntary blood donation.

Having organized a drive for the first time @ HSBC, the response by the employees was very good. It was conducted over a period of two days where about 196 units were collected. Both the days the drive went on in a well organized manner.

Yet again, there was a drive organized in ITPL. Coming together with Sankalp for 7times, this drive held some extra special significance to people there. Organized on 26th November, one year mark of the Mumbai Terror Attach, few people came forward to donate after being motivated by the date.

December too has a list of drives being planned for. :)

Disha: Disha Karnataka helpline publicity on the roll. All the major hospitals outside Bangalore has been identified and they are being targeted to get the knowledge about this helpline through to the unaware public. This is being planned with eye-catching stickers and posters at the necessary places.

Rakta Kranti Colleges: Most of the colleges around Karnataka have the semester end exams being held at this time of the year. Due to this reason, the drives are being planned for after January or so. Once the vacations are done and the colleges start for the next semester, there are good chances of getting few drives outside Bangalore around February next year.

Rakta Kranti Schools: Target: 10,000 school kids. Mission: Spread the message about the importance of voluntary blood donors to the future donors.

Working towards this goal and mission, RK Schools wing is drawing another phase to completion. Many schools have been a part of this journey. Few significant ones which participated in the last month were Sardar Patel, St. Claret, Kendriya Vidyalaya and so on.

With new year comes fresh beginning to our volunteers in this wing. Starting January, the next phase will be bought into action. Thus preparation for the new phase is also one of important tasks in the list. :)

Emergency Wing:The Emergency wing is taking up a new innovative methods to rigorously enhance the emergency donor database. All the donor information is now being maintained in a better manner with technical help.

Sankalp Unit