A very confused man

Submitted by potliwala on

He was a little confused on why his energy levels were low. He was walking. But then that is not what he wanted to do. He wanted to run and run and run. The new life had brought for him supreme joy of being able to do the things he had always wanted to do. Then why was he being plagued by this lack of energy? The legend always spoke about the way in which people who knew their goals made their mark. But something must be wrong. He knew his goal. But, he felt that he was being lazy! Does that not sound crazy? He was being lazy on the road to his dreams! He did not know whether it was the problem with the dream or the man himself. Sometimes he was scared till he could not be scared anymore. He was scared thinking about the possible outcome of his laziness!

He was a little confused on what to do. He had so much on his plate to enjoy. Yet sometimes he found himself whining time away. He tried the tools and the tips. He took good rest. Made sure mind was blank once in a while. Yet, he never saw himself going all out for days together reducing the tasks on his list. When he sat to consolidate what he had done in the week, hanging his head low he felt uneasy thinking of how he could have made things better. When you know what needs to be done and it's priority too , then why don't you do it?

He was a little confused man. A stupid confused man. A man who was wondering what to do. When the only think he actually managed to do is to write this confused blog.


Submitted by Jayesh on Mon, 12-Apr-2010 - 10:00


I think some time in life we all have been "Stupid Confused Man" Some time of the day we are, Some day of the week we are, Some week of the month we are, Stupid Common Man. Take it as a phase of life, Learn from it and it shall go with time.

Submitted by amitsedai on Mon, 12-Apr-2010 - 14:32


Being confused means that you have started to think! It means that you are looking for a decision to come up from the current state of events. Its good to be confused at times. But it is important to try and find out why so. Sometimes, things don't make sense until the right time comes or you have pondered hard enough to look for answers. Keep looking for answers till then... Keep Walking!