October 2010: Internal Housekeeping @ Sankalp

Although the Blood Donation Organisation including the Emergency Wing, Disha and Rakta Kranti make up the core working wings of Sankalp India Foundation, there are small other teams who do not face the world but provide tons of support to these core working wings. Be it the administration wing, finance wing, resources or public relations these internal teams are ina a way holding the teams tightly bound. These teams too have been busy over the last few days fixing a lot of internal issues. Here is a peek into what's happening right inside Sankalp India Foundation


The resources divison of Sankalp manages the resources required for the entire working of the organisation. Generally the team stores up all utility items be it posters, stickers, pens, brochures, forms, camera, banners - you name it and they have it. Resources were also procured during disaster activities of Sankalp. A remarkable aspect of Sankalp's disaster relief is the cost at which we procure and transport goods. In order to ensure that we can have the best possible prices, fastest possible delivery and resonable quality we have initiated an activity to identify the best vendors and practices. This task has been initiated in October and will complete in next few months. Over the next 1 or 2 months, Sankalp's DMMG wing will be fully prepared, (resource wise)

Technical Wing

Sankalp technical wing - the technology backbone of the organisation provides the facilities which helps this newsletter to be created seamlessly every month. With the increasing workload of every team, every Sankalp team has it's own working website. This introduces a lot of load on the server specially when a lot of people are accessing many of these websites in one go. To carve out a nice balance of sharing of server resources in order to bring the best usability for a site user perspective the tech team is working on a lot of monitoring and analysis of various parameters. Surely in the days to come all our information management systems will be at par with the best in the world. More volunteers are now joining in to the technical activites of Sankalp and this certainly augurs well for the future

Administration Wing

The organisation completed the recruitment of new donors and volunteers from MSRIT 2010 batch. The admin team is talking care of the initial orientation of the new volunteers. This includes meeting them, giving them the scope and ideas of work and finally ensuring that they make their transitions into any of the teams. Furthermore, it is that time of the year when necessary paper work is done to renew the registration of the organisation (Sankalp India Foundation is a registered NGO, registered under the Karnataka State Society Registrtation Act). The financial statements of Sankalp for the previous year has been audited and the organisation has a clear balance sheet showing the income and expenditure. It is all transparent and clean :). The organisation is now looking to file the income tax return. So the admin wing is also slightly busy working on these things

Public Relations

The team that reaches out to you on behlaf of all the 30 volunteers of Sankalp India Foundation is the public relations wing. They are the ones who bring the newsletter to you every month. Apart from the normal newsletter and website mainteneace (www.sankalpindia.net) activites, the Public Relations wing is also working on bringing out a monthly newspaper named Sankalp Patrika. Sankalp Patrika is a monthly Sankalp newspaper looking to capture all events, past and present and also cover a lot of aspects realted to blood. The team is working on geting the necessary registrations and permissions fom the governement authorities to officialy launch the newspaper. Keep hittin this website, soon Sankalp Patrika will be unleashed!

Sankalp Unit