News Updates for March 2012


Rakta Kranti Bangalore

Owing to the generally good stocks of blood in the blood banks RKB had a moderate month in terms of number of blood donation drives. However, as and when the blood banks called in for a camp, we were able to cater to the need.

A total of 204 units were collected in 6 camps making the total for the year 7300 units.

  1. TCE: We had a camp at TCE on 5th Mar, where 71 people came forward to donate with 62 donations. A 57 year old lady came to donate and successfully donated.
  2. SSS: We had 2 camps in SSS on the same day, 6th Mar. A total of 44 units were collected with 24 units in GBP and 20 units in BMS unit. The employee participation was low in the camps, leaving a scope for improvement on the publicity front.
  3. Aircel: Blood donation drive was organized in Aircel on 16th Mar. This was the second time Aircel had a drive with Sankalp and 21 donations were done. Though mails were sent across by the HR, there was a low turnout in this camp as well.
  4. KG Apartments: Sankalp organized second drive in Krishna Greens Apartments on 25th of March. People were really motivated and came forward to donate. Unfortunately many people had dental extractions or were on medication. We ensued proper pre-donation screening is done and as many as 13 people were rejected. A total of 34 units were collected for Hubli from this drive. Interestingly donors from all the age groups came in the drive with youngest donor 18 years old and oldest 60. We even had a 66 years old person wanting to donate, but he was rejected due to overage!
  5. Icon: We organized a blood donation drive in Icon Clinical Research for the first time on 30th March. The interested donors already filled the form before coming to drive making the process fast. 45 people donated blood in the drive, most of them doctors.

Rakta Kranti Karnataka

We had one camp in BSC Davangere with 59 donations. Very strong support by the Principal for the camp. Apart from this many camps scheduled in March got postponed to April and few to July. Right now engineering colleges are being visited as degree colleges are now involved in exams.


Disha, the blood help line had a very eventful month. The month started with the Disha team upgrading their call tracking infrastructure to identify the source and resolution of each blood request. The system is working amazingly well and we are logging in an average of 30 calls a day.

Emergency Wing

129 emergency blood requests came to Sankalp in March with the maximum of 10emergency blood requests in a day. 2 Bombay Blood group requests were received.

A very difficult situation was faced handling blood requests from Gulbarga. Every second blood request from there was forwarded to the emergency team with the blood banks extremely low on stock. Fortunately there are few donor databases available from the city which have enabled us to keep up with the situation.

Sankalp Unit