Celebrating India's 75th Independence Day

Image removed.India attained independence on this day in the year 1947 after years of struggle. We are still struggling to attain freedom from a lot of internal deficiencies in our country. Yet, we always take a lot of pride to celebrate this day. It was once said by a great leader that we need to Be The Change that we wish to see in the world. With the same belief, we are here working towards a thalassemia-free country and world.

Today at our office, we were reminded of our school days. The entire place was decorated with balloons with a lot of enthusiasm. People at Sankalp were lost in thoughts of India as they put up the vibrant balloons representing colors of the tricolor. The celebration began at 5:30 PM. Everyone had goosebumps as the team watched a beautiful video of our little patients coming in from various parts of the country saluting the national flag with pride.

As a team we discussed about the changes and progress in our organisation over the last few months - the Sankalp Labs, Sankalp Pharmacy, the new BMT Unit with a major leap forward from 4 beds to 10+ beds, the upcoming blood bank, enhanced inter team support and collaboration, taking on new challenges like curing children with Severe Aplastic Anemia etc. We discussed the need and importance of strong inter team communication in ensuring that work moves seamlessly and we maximise delivery of care and services to our patients. 

People then spoke about the relevance and meaning of the word “Independence”. Dreams translated into words and people shared how Independence meant curing more children from life long suffering or collecting more blood units or in a way doing our small little thing  in the service of our nation. One of them spoke about the little bravehearts who come to our centres across the country. He mentioned how at this young age they have a mindset to contribute to this NATION in a great way. If one is looking for inspiration then one must just meet these kids. Another mentioned 75 years of Independence have come as a gift to us, we as an organization and as an individual must contribute to making India the best.

Young or old, each one who had gathered in the Sankalp office that day spoke of breaking the shackles of societal restrictions, clearing obstacles and hurdles and not looking back in our path of revolution - a revolution to Give Life Another Chance. 

Each one believes that society has trusted us and hence we must try to convert this trust to work which will lead to a real celebration of independence. We are the soldiers, scientists, sportsmen, politicians working in our own fields. 

The small event concluded with a lot of pride in heart, gratitude in our eyes, and singing the National Anthem. Last but not the least, lip-smacking snacks were arranged after which we all as a group posed for some photos. 

At our other cure centre at CIMS Ahmedabad, Independence Day was celebrated uniquely. Children coming to the OPD and the patients admitted for transplant participated enthusiastically. The unit was adorned with tri-coloured balloons and the national flags, the children were taught the importance of Independence Day and to maintain respect for the nation and the national flag.

India is 75 years ahead of its Independence and we are one more year down towards Thalassemia-free India

Sankalp Unit
Patrika Section