
51 camps in 3 months, 4800 units of blood collected - Rakta Kranti's heated summer

When requests for more commonly available B+ve and O+ve units become a norm on our helpline, it is an indication that the need of the hour is more blood donation drives. Come mid April, and the first traces of the challenge were seen. Within 3 weeks the situation had worsened. How prepared was Sankalp to fight this out? Well, we would say that the preparation was fair.

On World Blood Donation Day

Every day numerous children suffering from thalassemia, pregnant women, individuals who met with accidents, people in deed of surgery, people fighting cancer and many more patients receive the gift of life donated by unknown voluntary blood donors. Thank you blood donors for being there for them. Your Selfless contribution preserves hope, gifts smiles and saves lives! KEEP GIVING FREELY.

Caught between ignorance and business – Vulnerable parents of children suffering from thalassemia

Yesterday a family came to seek help for their child who is detected with thalassemia. We meet parents only on Sundays but we made an exception for this family as they had come all the way from a place 600 km away. The 8 month old baby girl had already received 3 transfusions and the family wanted to discuss the prospects of transplants.

We are offering free HLA typing

At Sankalp India Foundation, We firmly believe that each child must be given an option for complete cure irrespective of their financial status. The HLA test is the first step which determines whether the sibling can be a matched donor to the child suffering from thalassemia. The cost of HLA typing in India is around Rs.