Disaster Mitigation and Management Group

Sankalp DMMG


The solution that I have offered has the following basic features:

1. Multi Platform: Information exchange from this system can be done through a wide variety of contemporary platforms from a single controlled source. The platforms that have been integrated into the network are

  • SMS
  • Interactive Voice Response
  • Internet
  • Broadcast Media

The first Workshop

Submitted by rajat on

Hats off to Varsha and Sujata. They had worked very hard to come up with the first workshop. Their dedication for this event generated hope in me. I wish they become a very important part of the organization. Altruism in Varsha and Dedication in Sujata. Not that these are the only words for them, but my english is limited.

Pallavi and Shweta came in for first time. As i read it, they were satisfied.


Pain of a fellow human has always inspired people to come forward to help.Probably this is what drew Sankalp into reaching out to the victims of the Tsunami in Nagapattinam with relief.

But the seed that was planted in the organization by that event took a different shape. Sankalp did not make a relief agency.