Disaster Mitigation and Management Group

Sankalp DMMG

Help in Bangalore Floods

Outside the college main gate honking endlessly was all that could be heard when torrential rains hit Bangalore. Students had parked vehicles in the middle of the road, adding to the poor condition of the already narrow road. Everyone was trying to make their way ahead by any possible mean they could use.

Tamil Nadu Floods

When the Thanjavur Red Cross saw that the people were suffering like never before in the repeated floods of November,2005, they invited Sankalp to come forward and help. If we see a thing happening again and again, we become de-sensitized to it. This is what happens in floods now. Today we take floods like a normal happening. At times it is not so normal for the suffering ....


Information exchange plays a key role in the mitigation and management of disasters. Correct information at a proper place can drastically change the scenario for disaster management. This paper presents a top to bottom information system for disaster mitigation and management. Developed from real life experiences and benefiting from the requirements as spelt out by the country's top disaster managers this paper promises a giant leap in information technology by used of electronic networks.


The security aspect of the entire network has been carefully integrated into the system. There is no scope for unauthorised access or update. Inspite of having a multi-user update capability the scope of the content which can be altered by a single user is restricted.

Multi level hierarchy ensures that progressively narrower edit rights are issued to lower level programmers.


The system with all its powerful features cames at a price that is very affordable. The system requires two servers(two computer systems) to be running with the gateways(interface buses and phone/mobile) into the network. Additionally it requires field equippment(mobiles) and power backup(generator). The internet connection is also dedicated(costs tooo little these days). This along with the software that we either use or make totally costs a few lacs.