
Fw: Read it.... important! Why I will buy Petrol?

Submitted by rajat on

Often you come across some forwarded mails sharing some brilliantly written piece of intelligence that leaves you dumbstruck. The mail is sooo exciting and overwhelming, that sometimes you press the forward button and send it to a couple of your friends expecting them too to stare at the screen. One such mail - ripped apart - is here.

SEP 11

Submitted by smruthi aravind on
It is always very hard to accept that a tragedy can,in some way,have positive results.As we gazed in horror at what looked more like a scene from a science fiction movie-the two towers crumbling and carrying thousands of people with them as they fell-we had two immediate responses:first,a sense of impotence and terror in the face of what was happenng;second, a sense that the world would never be the same again.Li

Is Education Creating Caste System?????

Submitted by chayan on
I read an article the other day by Wipro chairman Azim Premji stating that education system is creating caste system. Premji said that knowing or unknowingly todays education system is emphasising, aiding and encouraging the caste system. He also said that the process of education is diadvantageous in our country as there are many privileged students in our country, some more and some less just because of their background. Some have more facilities avaliable to them such as technology, learning material, guides etc..

my first action movie.....

Submitted by ashwath on
it waz a normal monday noon..weni waz jus done with my internals and after a heavy lunch waz havin a surf on www.suddenly my cell vibrated and yes i d got a blood donation case...the prob wz tat the patient waz from a rural background and kannada wz he s only communicative lang...i hurried over there with my fren volunteer amit..and wen v interevened the case seemed to be quite simple..as the patient needed to meke jus on donation 4rom their side..but the prob wz tat none of the patient srelatives wre ready to donate..perhaps later at nite thier feelin changed