Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.

Shaheed Diwas 2008

On 23rd March 1931, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev gave their lives for the “Independent nation” they dreamed of. But sadly, 77 years after the three men gave their lives, one can still see the exploitation and the tyranny reigning in the country.

BDO: Busy Bees

A busy phase, for all blood related volunteers, has begun. Following the start of semester in February, increased enthusiasm, better plans and works have been taken. Issues like drawbacks of previous semester and other problems were discussed along with their solutions and improvements.

Republic Day 2008

Its was 6:30 in the morning, when most of the other were enjoying the sleep of National Holiday, Sankalp volunteer were busy to get ready to catch the bus. They were full of enthusiasm and energy to go out and celebrate our National Festival. As they do every year to spread the love and patriotism around.

Senior Volunteer Feedback Report

The growth of an organization depends upon the people who are leading them. We at Sankalp benchmark all our people on the following five parameters to be able to mark and measure the strengths and weakness of our people and to track the growth of the organization. There five parameters are responsiveness, teamwork, leadership, initiative and delivery.

Two New honourable member in Sankalp

To strength the organization and learn from the experience from the people who has be a source of inspiration and energy to us we have decided to make a Board of Advisors for the Organization. This board will be composed of Honory Members who the people who have directly or indirectly guided us, and helped us with the larger vision that we are following today.