Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.


One of the best programme I have attended lately. Patriotism, dedication, commitment and volunteerism of Sankalp Volunteers is unparallel. All the best

Dr. C Shivaram Chief of Blood Bank Secretary Indian Society of Blood Transfusion- Karnataka

Disha Stage II

Congratulations to all the fans and supporters of Project Disha. We have got the CTC Disha Stage II started. Stage II of Disha will involve doubling the number of blood banks that today share the blood availability with us. This means that we will soon have blood availability across 10 Blood Banks available through CTC.

Camp 1 @ MSRIT April 7, 2007

The donation of 29 units of blood @ MSRIT on April 7th, 2007 was a very important moment for all of us. After years of effort to streamline the blood availability and issue at M S R Blood Bank, this was the first major step to make it stronger and better for the needy. As planned, there was no big hype. Only 3 beds and about 10 Volunteers. The stage was set.