Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.

Sankalp Creates a Publishing lab

Yesterday marked the beginning of a new era in Sankalp. We purchased a property that costs more than the total value of all our other assets put together. Speaking to the members of the Times of Bhindiyaan, the Sankalp Spokes person Vibha H G said that the bringing in of this property is marking anew era of accelerated Publishing and Designing. An exclusive lab was created for the property.

Second Visit to School...

During his Wonderful first visit to school on Republic Day, Sankalp team interact with the school adminstrator, staff and childrens. During the talk with school staff, sankalp got to know how the school staff are working in a limited resource and trying their best to give the children the best education they can.

Dear Bloggers

Here I am highlighting the importance of a few formatting features that you must keep in mind while posting stuff on the site.. 1 >> Please see that you do not make excessive usage of.... … in the posts.

The Beginning

While enjoying a cup of tea on the night of 22nd May, 2003 a group of students from MSRIT came across a person who was looking for blood donors. It was very late at night and he was literally begging any and everyone he found.

Contact Us

From the snail mail to the email, from chat box to chat on face , we are here to address your queries, interact and have loads of communication with you.. The communication addresses are as follows: