
Fw: Read it.... important! Why I will buy Petrol?

Submitted by rajat on

Often you come across some forwarded mails sharing some brilliantly written piece of intelligence that leaves you dumbstruck. The mail is sooo exciting and overwhelming, that sometimes you press the forward button and send it to a couple of your friends expecting them too to stare at the screen. One such mail - ripped apart - is here.

Indian scientists

Submitted by sarica on

Scientists at the Rocket launching station in Thumba, were in the habit of working for nearly 12 to 18 hours a day. There were about Seventy such scientists working on a project. All the scientists were really frustrated due to the pressure of work and the demands of their boss but everyone was loyal to him and did not think of quitting the job.

My Experience....

Submitted by sarica on
Mission Siachen which started long before came to an end from our end. For me working for this project reminded old days when we slogged like anything for SHAHEED BHAGATSINGH and for KOSHISH. yesterday when i came back home i was depressed because i had expected to get more cards filled but i could collect very few from people, almost everyone gave me an excuse why they couldn't get them filled. How can i be depressed being with sankalp volunteers, their actions their talks refilled me with joy.

“Revolution is not free”

Submitted by Jayesh on
This about my experience of Project Siachen. I got to know about this project before its formal start up. I explorer few site and you tube vides to enlighten myself. Same as other I was astonish by the fact that Indian Soldier are working at extreme condition of -50c. I really appreciate this fact but not feeling it as I am feeling it now.

My experience with Mission Siachen

Submitted by barkha on
While trying to spread the awareness about the soldiers at Siachen I really went through some experiences which helped me not only to know about the soldiers (which I never knew) and also about the approach of the people towards such campaigns and matters...Truely speaking..Initially I was really feeling very bad that how can people be so insensitive towards a task which just needs some 5-10 minutes and inturn gives them an opportunity to express their gratitude and appreciation for all those who stand the extreme conditions showing the metal of their mental and physical

The Boy with the Low I.Q.

Submitted by sarica on

One of the worst evils of today is the exaggerated importance given to so-called intelligence tests. Many other qualities besides agility in answering trick questions go into the making of human personality. A man can fail all the tests and make a wonderful life. Let me tell you what happened to a young Canadian boy.

Budding Revolutionaries

Submitted by rajat on

"In a very special way they bring a smile on my face, a hope in my hear and an assurance that we are heading in the right" direction."

The Beginning

They were not absolutely clear when they came in behind the reasons for joining our small family of Sankalp Volunteers. I told them from day 1 not to expect the bed of roses. This year, when they came, they came in big numbers.. For sometime we were really worried about finding enough mentors for these willing hearts who would shape them into next-gen revolutionaries.

Dr P.K. Sethi is no more..

Submitted by rajat on

News from HT

Magsaysay winner and inventor of the Jaipur prosthesis (rekno) ‘Jaipur Foot’, an artificial limb used all over the world for the physically challenged, Dr P.K. Sethi died of a cardiac arrest at private hospital on Saturday. He was 80 and is survived by his wife Sulochana, son and three daughters.He was cremated in a local burial ground where a large number of people attended the funeral procession.