

Submitted by ankita on
Today was drainage cleanup day for my home. Due to some blockage in the system lots of problem was created and cleaning was required. A cleaner was called for this work. I had no idea about thing happening at home before I heard my mother asking everyone not to go use the back door as we may step on dirty things coming out of drains or contact the cleaner himself. Just out of curiosity I went to balcony to see how it is being done and why my mother is banning our free movement inside our own house premises.

Remembering Hiroshima

Submitted by rajat on

Murder Murder.. Murder of Humanity.. how far can a man go to satisfy his greed?

Hiroshmima After the Little Boy(Atom Bomb) of America distroyed this beautiful town..

God grant peace to the souls of the victimsH

Today is 62nd anniversary of the world's first atomic bomb attack.

The attack killed more than 140,000 people in the Japanese city. more


When the going gets tough

Submitted by pravachak on

The tough gets going.

There is I guess a plot made beautiful to add stress. It has been designed to slowly increase the tension applied till the object starts screeching. It wont happen!. I hope and wish. The limits will not be reached. There will be no breakdown.

The going is getting tougher.. I got to get tough to keep going.

Sorry for the obscure blog. But that is all I can say for now. Rest.. time will tell.

The Mussoorie Monsoons

Submitted by rajat on
The summer heat in the plains of North India seems to burn the spirits down. The partched souls run to Mussoorie not just for relief from the heat, but also for a well deserved break. There is a lot of mayhem in town and the streets are over-crowded. The noise in the streets is almost deafening at times. The town of Mussoorie seems to be celebrating a month long festival from May to June. All things that are close to humans, the shops and the tourist destinations, see a never ending trail of visitors.

The 31st Of July

Submitted by rajat on

This morning started the usual way. I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and started investigating the possibility of getting a cup of tea. Next thing on agenda was the Times Of India. Although this newspaper does not seem to have the motto of providing anything good to "read", still owing the the choice of the majority, we get this paper at home.

Thre is just one way. The Hard way

Submitted by rajat on

Don't Let Go

Troubles do not come in sequential arrangement. they somehow love the burst mode. "All seem to find their way into my life - at once ". Then there is pressure mounting, and the brain is gaping for space. Break! Break! Break!

Something inside is suggesting me to break. It is asking me to leave the tough way and run for shelter. Not 1 of all my troubles are there for me by Chance! No.. Most of them are here because of my Choices. I have invited them. As a human I have made some choices in life which add a substantial degree of troubles in my life.

do not know what to say..

Submitted by rajat on
Vivek Pradhan was not a happy man. Even the plush comfort of the
air-conditioned compartment of the Shatabdi express could not cool his
frayed nerves. He was the Project Manager and still not entitled to air
travel. It was not the prestige he sought, he had tried to reason with the
admin person, it was the savings in time. As PM, he had so many things to
do. He opened his case and took out the laptop, determined to put the time
to some good use.

"Are you from the software industry sir," the man beside him was staring