

Submitted by pravachak on
The winds stop blowing across the face. Ina n attempt to remain partially secure and partially moving towards your goal.. you tend to loose track.. You start loosing yourself.. There are days when you know that what you are doing is not sufficient. When your dreams and your inner self knows that there are more stones to be turned. When you know that there is more to be explored. At the same time you know that survival is not what will take you to your dream.. Survival is becoming boring.. it is not talking the best.. There are days when you find yourself sitting on a comfortable chair..

does religion come with blood?

Submitted by Nirusha on
President of India Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, by his vision 2020, has given a call to Indians, to cooperate to make India a developed nation by 2020. All the students, youth & the people who want to see India on the path of progress & the NRI's who have brought credit to India are very happy on this declaration of the President but there is a pessimistic group present in the country who instead of giving his contribution for the development of the country is busy in his selfish & limited plans. Surprisingly, there is a student of lesser age in the country who wanted to know from Dr.

CTC Disha

Submitted by amitsedai on
We dreamt for connecting blood banks. We thought about having a common point access to all available blood. We looked for a future where a person would make a single call and get the blood he wants. We dreamt of providing a DISHA to the helpless. Two years back when we started work with Disha, it was a huge challenge. But work did start. We explored all possibilities from IVRS to a SMS based network.

How do we reward people at Sankalp?

Submitted by rajat on

For all of you who thought that there are no rewards for working hard in Sankalp, here is the big story. I am about to reveal to you the truth that was kept somewhat hidden so far. Only those who actually received the benefits know about it so far. If a person is working really hard for Sankalp, then what does he get? Consider the situation in which a Volunteer pushes against the limits to get a work done. The Volunteer puts in his/her heart and soul to realize the target.

Is Education Creating Caste System?????

Submitted by chayan on
I read an article the other day by Wipro chairman Azim Premji stating that education system is creating caste system. Premji said that knowing or unknowingly todays education system is emphasising, aiding and encouraging the caste system. He also said that the process of education is diadvantageous in our country as there are many privileged students in our country, some more and some less just because of their background. Some have more facilities avaliable to them such as technology, learning material, guides etc..

did u know???????

Submitted by ashwath on
Latest scientific estimates show that large dams in India are responsible for about a fifth of the India's total global warming impact. The estimates also reveal that Indian dams are the largest global warming contributors compared to all other nations. This shatters the myth that large hydro projects are a clean source of energy.

Big Problems.. is it??

Submitted by pravachak on
At times the same compelling sense jurks up the body. I received a mail today. Something forwarded by someone I do not know. It talks about that one minute that he faced in front of the gun. It talks about the decision he made to go in front of the gun for the cause of his Motherland notwithstanding the fact that he too had a family.. a 18 month old daughter..

With Big Hopes Comes Big Responsibility

Submitted by Jayesh on

After a Joyous, well organized and successful celebration of Sankalp 4th anniversary, the one thought that is constantly popping in my mind is: With big hopes comes big responsibility. In the span of 4 year Sankalp has grown from 4 to 4000, a group of student to youth and from a College to Bangalore. Sankalp was born with a dream and has shared it's dream with others. Today the dream of Sankalp is a dream of thousands of people. Sankalp has given the people the courage to dream and make their dream come true.


Submitted by shweta on
Thank you so much... For helping us save a life today... Thank you... For donating blood when we looked upon you as a donor... It's because of you today blood is available for the needy at the right time... It's your little time that gave a person a 2nd chance to live... Thank you so much, For you joined us in putting a smile back on thier faces... Thank you so much... For being that strength of ours, When we can say " Yes, I'll help you find blood." Thank you so much... For you are the biggest asset of our dream.... Thank you.... For being the life of a Dream to save lives... Without you,