
Rakta Kranti

Submitted by shweta on
A problem... A challenge faced by today's blood transfusion services in Bangalore.... How do we achieve Safe and Sustainable Blood supply in the city? Why is that people really don't come forward to donate blood? Well it's simply because they are never asked to donate.... And so... Rakta kranti is attempt to bring in 100% voluntary blood donation in Bangalore by takin the message straight to the community. For the first time we spoke about 100% blood donation was in the inaugaration of Project DISHA.

my first action movie.....

Submitted by ashwath on
it waz a normal monday noon..weni waz jus done with my internals and after a heavy lunch waz havin a surf on www.suddenly my cell vibrated and yes i d got a blood donation case...the prob wz tat the patient waz from a rural background and kannada wz he s only communicative lang...i hurried over there with my fren volunteer amit..and wen v interevened the case seemed to be quite the patient needed to meke jus on donation 4rom their side..but the prob wz tat none of the patient srelatives wre ready to donate..perhaps later at nite thier feelin changed

Thank u..

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on
Thank u all the volunteers for making my b'day such a memorable one.. i never had such a memorable b'day till date.. Once again.. thank u thank u thank u..

On my B'day..

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on
Today on my birth day about 45 minutes earlier i gave life a better chance.. I DONATED BLOOD :-) i think with that i might give life to atleast 3 people.. I had the idea of donating blood for a long time now, but i was waiting for the right time.. Today i thought it was tthe right time to donate and make my birth and the voluntary donation memorable.. I'm a really thin guy.. i thought looking at me the doctor would tell that i m not eligible to donate blood.. i had also on so many occasions heard from my relatives that i look thin and weak..

Does Life need to have a purpose?

Submitted by Jayesh on

AVERY young terminally ill girl wrote out a beautiful poem on her hospital bed. It ends with these simple lines: Life is not a race, do take it slower Hear the music, before the song is over. We spend hours recording music instead of listening to it live. We waste time capturing experiences on film, while we should be savouring the experiences. We are forever rushing to be some place, and when we reach there, it is rarely the place we wish to be! Is there a purpose to life? Is it to gain fame, success, and wealth? Do these acquisitions make us happy?

UPA and Indian Cricket team very silmilar!!!

Submitted by ashwath on

At the outset I owe a clarification to the reader. I must acknowledge that I am no Dan Brown (author of The Da Vinci Code) and I do not possess any of his investigative techniques -- encrypting symbols or even a basic understanding of his by now well-publicized Kabbalistic methods. Yet, this piece essentially attempts to compare and contrast the performance of the Indian cricket team (which went to the West Indies recently to play the World Cup) and the United Progressive Alliance government.

between GOD and ACCUSED...who s HE?

Submitted by ashwath on
between GOD and ACCUSED...who s HE??????i d been readin and followin abt him from past 4 years..realy admire this up n tell// Designated TADA judge Pramod Dattaram Kode goes to work every day in a bullet-proof ambassador in the halo of Z-plus security. For over eleven years he has been presiding over Asia's longest terror trial and he hasn't missed a single day. Not even when his father expired a few years ago. He has spent thousands of hours surveying the arguments for and against the people who were responsible for the serial blasts that rocked Mumbai in 1993.

the chief minister who s makin a diff........

Submitted by ashwath on
Observant visitors to Kerala often stump me with two questions. First, how has a state so blessed by the rain god let its rivers run dry? Second, why doesn't India's most literate state not feature at the top of the software ranking? The answer to both: Human folly. Kerala was once at the forefront of both the electronic and the environmental revolutions. (By Indian standards anyway!) A quarter of a century ago, citizens came together to block the Silent Valley Project, raising their voices until not just Thiruvananthapuram but even Delhi had to listen.

Sankalp's First Platelet Apheresis

Submitted by rajat on
The Universe at times conspires in such strange and beautiful ways that it leaves the man wondering in amazement. Precisely at the time of countdown to the completion of 4 years of Sankalp, we received our very first Apheresis request which actually converted into a donation. This request was an unusualone. A person has lost both his kidneys and now required blood. The doctor had sent them with a request to find blood immediately. Struggling and searching, they ended up coming to M S Ramaiah Memorial Hospital.

My Prayer to Thee

Submitted by pooja on
This is my prayer to thee My lord- Strike ,strike at the root of penury in my heart. Give me the strength lightly to bear my Joys and sorrows. Give me the strength to make my love Fruitful in service. Give me the strength never to disown the poor Or bend my knees before insolent might. Give me the strength to raise my mind High above daily trifles. And give me the strength to surrender My strength to Thy will with love (a poem from Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore)