
Must Read Letter

Submitted by rajat on

Abraham Lincoln's letter to his son's teacher

He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true, but teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every selfish politician there is a dedicated leader. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.


Submitted by brij_agrwl on
well my question is" what u call as charity?" i do not consider distribution of commodities,arranging a fun time for those poors,nor the free food as charity..

Rather charity would be something like creating a environment that help them evolve.. Let them know that they can build there life.. They can not simply blame a government for anything without casting votes.. All in all I would cosider awareness program can be most effective as charity.. Right?

And I think our Sankalp Organisation doing same..

Baisakhi or Bihu: celebrating the human spirit

Submitted by ramkrishna on

Baisakhi, also called Vaisakhi, is a harvest festival celebrated on 13th of April according to the solar calendar. Baisakhi is a time of abundance signifying both material and spiritual prosperity. Farmers thank God for His benevolence for ensuring a good harvest and pray for an encore next year. It also commemorates the establishment of the order of Khalsa for Sikhs. The legend goes that Guru Gobind Singh had announced that he required five men who were prepared to sacrifice their lives for brotherhood.

It should be there within you

Submitted by Venu on
To day after we sung National Anthem I turned back to see a person standing in attension. Interesting thing here is his respect for the national anthem. So what is special about it? He was standing with the support of sticks. moral: Whoever be it ... The rich or the poor ... the basic thing that a person should have within him is feeling for his nation.

Visit to Gandhi Foundation

Submitted by Venu on

Here we saw another organization working for the cause. I had thought the organisation is run by the retired persons who want to work for the name. But it is not so. Its again a youth group like CTC who are working professionals and active members of this organisation. We were warmly welcomed at Old age home run by this organisation. There on the board it was written with colors Welcome Sankalp India Foundation. We had similar kind of welcome at Grow well school in Thanjavur. We had a very good interaction with Devendra one of the active member.

These Clear My Concepts..

Submitted by rajat on
Our school had its science block on top of a hillock. We used to walk up to the computer labs with our wonderful inspiring teacher Mr. Tindale. One afternoon, Mr. Tindale was talking about his work as a headmaster. We were talking about the ways to get the work done by people. In that conversation he cited this quote:

You can do anything in the world
If you dont look for credit

The Rush Of Blood

Submitted by rajat on
All of us know that reservation in educational institutions is wrong. Dont we? I am not exactly looking for people ho want to talk about that by means of this blog post. All I am looking for is this: People to come up and say -'This is what I want to do to oppose this move.' I am looking for people who want to take it on themselves to take up a protest. I am talking about direct action. Pl contact me if you are interested in this. If you have a rush of blood which is waiting to be converted into focal work.

Asato maa sadgamaya

Submitted by Venu on
Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Maa Amrtam Gamaya. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih O, Lord please lead me from the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light (i.e. from ignorance to knowledge). Lead me from death to immortality. May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.

Sun will shine one more time.

Submitted by rajat on

I received a call today. It was from a very special person. A person who I has met 6 years back in the same month of April. A person who was so very important for me(and is). I have been bad at relationships. I can never really figure out what the others take for obvious. That is possibly one reason why people around me are usually frustrated with me. Whether they claim so or not is a different matter. Dust was slowly gathering on the relationship that we had.

Pay a tribute

Submitted by ritika on


Sourabh Kalia

Lt. Saurabh Kalia of 4 JAT Regiment of the Indian Army laid down his life at the young age of 22 for the nation while guarding the frontiers at Kargil. His parents, indeed the Indian Army and nation itself, lost a dedicated, honest and brave son. He was the first officer to detect and inform about Pakistani intrusion.