
Secret of Success.

Submitted by amitsedai on

A young man asked Socrates the secret of success.Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning.They met.Socrates asked the young man to walk with him to the river. When the water got upto their necks , Socrates took the young man by surprise and swiftly ducked him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue.Socrates pulled the boy's head out of water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a breath of air.

Reservations:What do we do?

Submitted by rajat on

Reservation issue, Meerut fire, Narmada Bachao Aandolan, any other issue for that matter.. Every time we come across a hot issue related to our society where we see some darker shades in the happenings, we always think about what can be done. This thought manifests itself in two dimensions: 1> the first one is the more popular and well known. I choose to call it Blame Transfer Cycle. This is essentially a process of deciding for yourself what the others should have done what now they should do and finally what should they do for future.

When Talking about Reservation

Submitted by rajat on

I know it hurts and pains to see the politicians play with the lives and future of the civilians so very rudely. Reservation issue this time came as an uninvited guest to me. When I sit down to think about the issues that I am confronting in and around me, I can broadly classify them into two categories. One, that affect me directly and the other that are at some distance when talking about impact. My personal motivation is always higher for the issues that I confront.

Please be gentle. Will You?

Submitted by ankit on

Please be gentle with me for I am grieving. The sea I swim in is a lonely one and the shore seems miles away. Waves of despair numb my soul as I struggle through each day. My heart is heavy with sorrow. I want to shout and scream and repeatedly ask why. At time, my grief overwhelms me and I weep bitterly, so great is my loss. Please don't turn away Or tell me to move on with my life. I must embrace my pain before I can begin to heal. Companion me through tears And sit with me in loving silence. Honor where I am in my journey Not where you think I should be.

My Friend...

Submitted by ankit on
I got your back You got mine, I'll help you out Anytime. To see you hurt To see you cry, Makes me weep And wanna die. And if you agree, To never fight, It wouldn't matter Who's wrong or right. If a broken heart Needs a mend, I'll be right there To the end. If your cheeks are wet From drops of tears, Don't you worry Let go of your fears. Hand in hand love is sent We'll be friends Till the end. Waiting...

live and let live

Submitted by abhinav on

The jail in which Bhagat Singh,Sukhdev and Rajguru was kept before their execution there was something which was encrypted in the wall. It was "LIVE AND LET LIVE". I will strongly support the real sense behind this sentence which may be very normal and easy going for people. But once you start thinking of it u will feel the intensity of its meaning.

Project Sankalp Awareness program

Submitted by mandyshri on

Hi folks, Last time I met Rajat,He gave me a small suggestion about creating awareness in hostel. He told me to create the awareness by asking them not to waste or unused electricity and water. Which,I,accept are the part of our life and shouldn't be wasted. Well,I am sure people very few among us respect this things.But this may play a big role in our moral ethics and in others life. Well,Can we create an awareness program for our college which can be implemented in classrooms,Toilets and drinking water resources???????????

Where is the safety in India?

Submitted by Venu on

Meerut Fier : Inadequate measures .The fire is believed to have been sparked off by a short circuit at one of the stalls, and was fueled by the plastic matting on the floor. .The inflammable covering in the air-conditioned hall also helped the flames spread to the other two halls. .The tent in which the fair was being held had a common entry and exit point, making it difficult to escape when the fire spread. .The situation worsened when the gas cylinders inside the pandals burst. This shows the lack of precaution and preparation for fire accident.


Submitted by rajat on
On being conferred the Padma Vibhushan on 24th April 1992, Atal Bihari Vajpayee recited his poem `Oonchai' (Height) at the reception held in his honour. The poem speaks of Man and the heights of success he can reach. He compares the peaks of success to a mountain peak, rearing up against the sky, alone, isolated and apart from the throbbing pulse of life below. There is no denying its majesty or its splendour.