Rakta Kranti

Second Blood Donation Drive at Keane

Keane software, who earlier had a drive with Sankalp would wish to organise a second blood donation drive with Sankalp. The company have themselves come forward and expressed their intention. Considering the summer time, this is a great gesture from them and this drive will surely be a boon to many in the city. It is scheduled to be held on Friday, 8 May, 2009

Blood Donation Drive @ CGIndigo

One of the key contacts who always co-ordinated with Sankalp for blood donation drives @ Capgemini has moved on to take over at a new office called Indigo. When Sankalp got in touch with him for a blood donation drive at Capgemini, this was known and the company has decided to organise one at this new venture too. Kudos to them for being so cooperative at a time when the city needs voluntary blood donations. The drive is scheduled for the 7th of May, 2009

2nd Anniversary of Rakta Kranti

The Rakta Kranti companies wing of Sankalp will complete 2 wonderful years of work on this day. Started off with a small drive ar Trianz, there have been 26 others in the last 23 months, with a totla collection of 4,630 units of blood. With 5 more drives lined up before the 9th of March, surely the 5000 mark will be surpassed.