Someone is coming.
Someone is coming once again to my home. Someone is coming with a smiling face. Someone is coming with an extended hand of friendship. Someone is coming as if it is a big time favour to my home.
My nation is going crazy. People are writing news items like "India prepares for SOMEONE". The Netas are brushing their topis and their khaddar kurtas. The capital is being painted. The students are painting. They - the media guys - are talking and talking and talking!
Someone is calling us a superpower and yet saying that our membership in security council is a difficult matter. Someone is coming with an agenda to create jobs! and yet the person is never failing to say that India should give more access to American Corporates while at the same time spitting venom against the Indian service industry. Someone is talking about selling arms to US. And that same someone is also ensuring that we get an opportunity to use those arms by supplying aid to militants (via an indirect route).
Someone is coming to talk about terror - or is it? Is it about the weapons, the aircrafts, the corporates or is it really about a friend who will fight together. And yes, our external affairs guys are quickly down playing some Mr Headley's episode. No one dare ask the big man why American warships in Indian ocean knew about the Tsunami full 1 hour before it struck but never cared to inform India.
I just hope that the people bent so low to extend the red carpet do not forget that though the skin colour is no as white as their VIP guests, we too are humans with blood as red as anyone else. I just pray that they care more about the strategic interest of India rather than talk about the food being served and the dances being performed. I just hope a nation receives the head of a state just like the head of a state - and not like the maibaap - the godfather.
In all this mess that I have in mind, I cannot still hold the smirk back. After all today an American is knocking Indian doors so that his own countrymen have employment, safety and a bright future!
Of all the things that I heard and read this is what I actually wanted to hear and read... Thankyou