We are happy to share that 5 abstracts by the Sankalp-Cure2Children Network were selected to be presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Haematology held in Orlando-USA in November 2019. Dr Lawrence Faulkner, our Medical Director and Dr Pallavi Mehta represented our team at ASH this year. The abstracts which were selected were on the following subjects.
- Assessment of Mortality and Its Associated Risk Factors in Patients with Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia in India.
- Information and Communication Technology Applied to Continuing Quality Improvement for the Care and Cure of Childhood Severe Hematological Disorders in India.
- Peripheral Blood to Marrow Collection White Cell Count Ratio As an Indicator of Harvest Quality and Transplant Outcomes in G-CSF-Primed Marrow Grafts.
- Incidence, Risk Factors and Outcomes of Veno-Occlusive Disease / Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome (VOD/SOS) in Children with Severe Thalassemia (ST) Conditioned with Busulfan- Cyclophosphamide (Bu-Cy) Based Regimen
- In-Vivo Adsorption of Iso-Haemagglutinin (IHA) Antibodies By Donor Type Red Cell Transfusion during Conditioning Is a Safe and Effective Method to Overcome Major ABO Incompatibility-Related Acute Hemolytic Reactions in Stem Cell Transplant Using Bone Marrow As Stem Cell Graft Source.
We are happy to be making active contributions to the pool of knowledge available to cure patients suffering from serious blood disorders, especially in the context of low- and middle-income countries. Our findings have been addressing issues which are peculiar to limited-resource settings and thereby contributing to personalised and localised medical practice.
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